
Time Catches us all!

Take the Time in the day to take care of yourself no one will for you.

Finding Your-Self

This Year has been a tough year so far. In four months i have been hospitalized three times with one of them being an emergency Surgery to remove parts of mt Colon and Large Intestine due to My Biologic medicine failing me.

You never know how sick you are until you feel good. Before surgery i was about 140lbs and in pain half the time with bloating and diarrhea, along with fevers and lack of energy. After surgery i am up to 180lbs no pain no problems and energy that i have not had in 16 years. I am not saying that you should go out and get surgery but for me i never would have thought that having a colostomy bag would make me fell this go in my entire life.

With upcoming surgery in July to make my colostomy a permanent fixture, the emotions you can get is very strong. You wounder how will this effect the rest of your life or what things you can no longer do, and also what things that you may need to change. I went through all of these feelings and had to find the positive in all of it. Now my wife and i joke about it all the time. I have yet to have the surgery but i know know matter what life will not stop for me, I will just move forward and always look for the Positive in everything.

Time Heals all wounds (that’s what they say)

There are many things that the title of this blog works for but sometimes no matter how much time you give something it will never heal. It may lower or even slow down but will never go away. As an example people with any type of IBD (Colitis, Crohn’s, ETC.) will never be rid of these they may go in remission but that’s it. It will always be there just in what capacity. We struggle every day to make sure that we are making the right decisions to keep us in this state of “Winning” but we struggle with the side effects every day. After my surgery i am in Remission but i struggle with my blood work. Low iron, low Hemoglobin, High Platelets. They say the main problem is handled right now but I have to deal with the side effects. Tons of Doctors appointments and blood work just to see the numbers barely move. Everyday we struggle without others noticing. People with these hidden diseases fight everyday without anyone noticing. I tell you all keep up the fight do not let it get the better of you. Time is not on your side but everyone else in the same boat as you are on your side. Time will never heal this wound but we all can work together as a community and keep each other going.

Keep up the Good fight no matter what!

Slowing Down

Today we run everywhere, we rush to work we rush to get things done on time, we rush even the things we love to do so we have time to rush to something else. With the Hussle and Bustle of life we need to take the time to slow down. Life comes at us fast and that is not always bad but to much of one thing will always be bad for you. When you rush you stress and we all know what stress can do. If you do not know then hope over to my other Post Stress Out!

We need to take time to slow down as you schedule your day give yourself 5 more mins for everything to help with the overbooking and making it so you rush. Another thing you can do is schedule yourself time to do nothing. And when I mean Nothing that is what I mean. I want you to do nothing not chores not work, not even working out. Sometimes just taking Ten to Twenty to yourself to work through your thoughts and help slow down your day. If you are always running then you will always be tired. This is never good for a healthy person it really is not good for someone who been diagnosed with an IBD Crohn’s IBD or to be honest anything that can effect the body.

Stay Healthy don’t rush and slow down life will not pass you by.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Why H2O?

We all know that we should stay hydrated, but we all understand that its harder then it seems. everyday I wake up telling myself I will drink 8 cups of water. But I struggle all day long trying to remember where I put my water bottle taking the time to drink and or forgetting about it all together.

One of the other things that I have issues with is the fact that Cold or Hot water can now bother my stomach. Like drinking a cold glass of water in the morning first thing Hurts my stomach and makes me skip Breakfast do to this issue. I know we all have are struggles and all of our struggles are diffrent.

I have found that if i leave water out on the counter over night or if I Slightly worm it up in the morning my stomach agrees with me a little bit more. Also I know at work that i try to get the room tempture water so that i can drink it right away.

Drinking water helps people with Crohn’s, IBS or any other stomach issues staying hydrated and helping thing keep moving. I noticed I slow down if I do not drink enough water the day before which can mess up the next day.

Stress Out!

There are many things in life that we really need to watch and work on. Stress is the biggest one for people with Crohn’s. The reason for this is stress leads to a lot of things that go against the healing nature. Lack of sleep, chemical imbalances. They say stress can kill you and I believe that one day it will if you never learn to work on it. One of the things I do is quick breathing exercises take about 2 to 5 minutes. Long inhale with a long exhale. This provides more oxygen to your blood and also helps clear your mind if you focus on the sound of your breathing. There are many things people do to relieve stress. Make sure you take time everyday to do this or it will catch up to you.

Making your own Food.

I have heard that cooking your own food takes too much time. Do me a favor and go look at the ingredients and tell me you know all of these ingredients. Soup is easy and with few ingredients at all. Takes 30 mins to make a healthy meal that doesn’t make you feel bloated. Recipe coming soon!

Food doesn’t have to taste Bad!

After 11 years of being diagnosed with Crohn’s I’ve been on many diets. Most diets are plain and just no taste. I found foods that I can eat and I found foods that I cannot eat but that does not mean that all the foods that I can eat should not go without taste. Every person is different no one diet will work with everyone.

Like today I decided to make a grilled chicken spinach strawberry blueberry feta cheese salad with Tuscan herb olive oil and Italian lambrusco wine vinegar. It’s been a long time since I’ve had spinach and balsamic vinegar because I didn’t know if it was going to bother me so I cut it out of my diet. To find out that after some time of my gut healing these are foods I can add back into my diet.